Back To Basics

Jan 29, 2024

Back To Basics

Over the years the perceived complexity of CP systems has come to overshadow the remarkably simple principles at play in the never ending fight against corrosion. Rather than add to the heaps of technical jargon that serve to entrench the CP discipline via niche expertise, this series aims to lay out the basic mechanisms of corrosion and the core concepts leveraged within effective cathodic protection systems.

In an industry often reliant on past precedents and intuition, a strong comprehension of The Fundamentals of corrosion and cathodic protection stands as an essential pillar of effective decision-making. Without this comprehension, recommendations are based on guesswork rather than informed strategies.

Understanding the science behind cathodic protection is the bedrock upon which appropriate action and consistent methodologies are built. Training teams based on this understanding ensures a consistent, diligent approach to safeguarding infrastructure. It's the difference between reactive responses and proactive solutions, between unnecessary risks and informed, calculated decisions. 

In this complex industry, knowledge is not just power; it's the linchpin to effective risk management and the assurance of safer, more resilient infrastructure. By understanding what we call The Fundamentals, our belief is that pipeline operators will be better poised to direct the efforts of their teams and vendors towards a safer, more productive and cleaner industry.

The Fundamentals

  1. What Causes Corrosion?

  2. How Cathodic Protection Works

  3. Components of a typical CP System

  4. How Do We Monitor Effectiveness?

  5. What Is Interference?

  6. Making Decisions

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